Media & Outreach
- Berit was interviewed on the situation for PhD students in Panorama.
- Berit presented SUCCeSS at the Nordic sustainability Expo.
- Berit has been awarded Arrheniusplaketten, read the award motivation here! The medal was recieved at a popular scientific lecture for The Swedish chemical society December 6.
- Berit presented the Chemistry Nobel prize (click chemistry) at the Nobel museum Dec 1.
- Berit presented the Chemistry Nobel prize (click chemistry) at theSwedish Parliament Nov 23.
- Berit gave a talk "Story behind my CV" in the seminar series on Gender, gender equality and the natural sciences organized by the Gender academy at SU.
- Berit commitment to support Ukrainian researchers was described in ChemistryWorld.
- Berit was interviewed about gender equality work at Stockholm University.
- Read Erika's profile and Mike Greaney's preview of the diarylation paper in Chem!
- Read the press release about our massive project on atom-efficient diarylations to yield diaryl ethers, diarylamines and triarylamines, which was published in Chem!
- The Hand sanitizer project (read more below) was officially closed by a celebration of all the people who had been involved.
- The Chemistry section developed a new outreach concept together with KRC last year, called "Zoom with a PhD student". Highschool teachers are offered to book zoom talks on various chemistry topics to stimulate the chemistry interest of their pupils, and our PhD students get a chance to practice presentation of their research to the public. The concept was very well recieved, and has now become a national project! Spring lectures - Fall lectures
- Berit pointed out difficulties in getting residence permits for international coworkers in SU 's Universitetsnytt.
- Berit was placed 32nd in Expressen's Women of the year!
- Berit was selected as Chair of the board for the new center SUCCeSS - Stockholm University Center for Circular and Sustainable Chemistry. Read about the center at the Stockholm University English and Swedish webb. This was also highlighted in The Local. Read more about Sustainable chemistry research at the SU webb: English and Swedish.
- Interview on Berit's Faculty work towards improved gender equality in academia: Article and podcast (in Swedish).
- Berit acted as the Promotor in the ceremony to celebrate the Master degree students at the Faculty of Science in November.
- Berit was listed in the World's Top 2% Scientists! The ranking is based on c-score, a composite indicator for career-long impact.
- Berit was elected into the Angewande Chemie International advisory board.
The hand sanitizer project
In the spring of 2020, the covid-19 pandemic hit Europe, and there was a sudden lack of safety equipment and hand sanitizer at Swedish hospitals and care givers. At the Faculty of science, we started a project to support the health care in the Stockholm Region, with initial collection of all equipment we could spare. We subsequently organized a large scale production of hand sanitizer at the chemistry section, with PhD students, post docs and researchers from the chemistry departments and ACES as volunteers. The project was led by Berit, Lennart Bergström, Hanna Gustavsson and Tamara Church.
In total, we produced 22 000 liters of hand sanitizer!
The project attracted a lot of media:
- We were nominated for the Hero of the Year, read more here
- We were highlighted in Svenska hjältar-galan (Swedish heroes gala) (at time 37:50)
- SVT "En kväll tillsammans"
- SVT Stockholm
- Aftonbladet
- Dagens Nyheter
- Expressen
- Newsner
- Reuters
- Life Science Sweden/Kemivärlden
- Kemisk Tidskrift
- Hufvudstadsbladet, Finland
- French news letter
- Nordstjernan
Stockholm University coverage of the project: