The Olofsson Research Group


5th International Conference on
Hypervalent Iodine Chemistry
(ICHIC 2016)

Les Diablerets, Switzerland, July 2016

The conference was excellently organized by Jerome Waser & Antonio Togni in the Swiss alps. Links to the conference website and to official photos.
Click on the photos to enlarge them!

The whole group participated:
post docs Gergely & Piret, Berit and PhD students Elin, Marcus & Erik.

Beautiful conference setting in the Alps.
Welcome dinner.


Berit was an invited speaker, and Marcus was the only PhD student at the whole conference who was selected to give an oral presentation.

Erik, Elin, Gergely and Piret presented posters - Piret won a poster award!







The conference dinner was combined with a visit in a salt mine, reachable with a mini-train.

The conference ended with a half day excursion in the beautiful landscape.


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