The Olofsson Research Group


Group Pictures

2006-2010   2011-2012  2013-2014  2015-2016   2017-2018  2019-

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September 2014
Alexandra, Erik, Marcus, Elin, Christin, Joel, Chandan, Berit
August 2014
Berit, Marcus, Joel, Christin, Elin, Chandan

July 2014 at ICHIC 2014 in Japan
Vittorio, Chandan, Joel, Berit, Erik, Elin, Sebastian

May 2014
Visit from the past... Most of the group + some Alumni at BBQ
Leti, Tue, Elin, Joel, Ellie, Berit, Erik, Marien, Chandan

March 2014
Berit, Erik, Joel, Raju, Elin, Francesco, Vittorio

January 2014
Erik, Janne, Elin, Berit, Joel, Francesco, Vittorio, Raju
Group 131001

October 2013
Raju, Vittorio, Joel, Sebastian, Berit (hiding), Erik, Janne, Elin

Group 130430
April 2013
Elin, Erik, Marien, Janne, Berit, Joel, Raju

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