The Olofsson Research Group


Group Pictures

2006   2007   2008   2009    2010    2011-2018

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November: Transatlantic group meeting with Prof. Silva's group in Brazil.

Fall - getting colder...

Berit, Eloisa, Tue, Ellie, Marcin, Nazli.


Sometimes we have summer even in Sweden...

Ellie, Tue, Joel, Nazli, Ylva, Marcin, Berit.



Celebrating the accaptance of the hydrogen peroxide paper.

Ellie, Marcin, Joel, Ylva, Tue and Nazli.



Still cold weather when Tue arrived...
Ylva, Tue, Ellie, Joel, Berit, Marcin, Nazli.

Pool evening photos here.



Combined conference and skiing trip with the JEB, BÅ and BO groups. More photos here.

International dinner photos here.

Nazli, Marcin, Ellie & Joel

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