Spring 2024

April 8, 2024       Avinash Pai – new PostDoc in our group. Welcome!

March 8, 2024   Daria defended her thesis with Prof. Louise Olsson from Chalmers University as the opponent. Congratulations Dr. Lebedeva!




Samec visits Bergamo, Italy for SSUCHY meeting.


SafeChem, Mistra gets granted and Samec will collaborate with Professor Aji Mathew and RenFuel on valorization of forestry biomass.

We welcome Thanya back for a postdoc in our group!

We congratulate Cherry (Pemikar Srifa) to become a PhD after defending her thesis having Supa Hannongbua from Kasetsart University as faculty opponent! Well done Cherry!


Midterm assessment by BBI in Bryssels for the SSUCHY project.


Prof. David Kubicka from University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague visits our group and gives a lecture on sugar condensations.


Scale up in 600 L reactor in Örnsköldsvik and 24 hour continuous runs performed for RenFuel.

We say good bye to Armaan and Dear, and wish them good luck in finishing their studies.

We say good bye to Jessica Margalef that starts as a Researcher at University of Rovira, Virgili, Spain.